The Baptism of babies and infants takes place on Sunday’s at 1pm, by prior arrangement. If you wish to have your child baptised then please speak to one of Canon Stephen after Mass or arrange an appointment to meet with him.
The Sacrament of Matrimony may be celebrated by those considered free to marry according to the Code of Canon Law. It is a great joy for us to celebrate this most important day in the life of a couple. Before arranging a venue for the reception, you should contact the parish priest of the parish in which you reside. If you are getting married elsewhere then you should additionally contact the parish priest of the place where you hope to be married.
Sufficient notice should be given to allow for marriage preparation. This should normally be one year. Please note that we are unable to celebrate weddings on a Sunday at Saint Joseph’s.
Penance & Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a Sacrament of Healing. In this Sacrament, God shows the depths of his mercy and love for us as He offers forgiveness and renews us by His grace. It is a Sacrament of joy, peace, and hope.
Order of Christian Funerals
The death of a loved one is a difficult time for all of us. Through the Prayers and Rites of the Church at this time, the Lord Jesus walks with us, comforts us and stirs the flame of hope in our sorrowing hearts. The people of Saint Joseph’s offer our prayerful support of those who are bereaved.
If you need to arrange a funeral, please contact one of our Priests, who will guide you through the options that are available in the Church’s liturgy.
Visit to the Sick in Hospital or at Home
If a member of your family is in hospital, please make sure that he or she is identified as being a Catholic. Due to data protection laws a visiting priest will not necessarily be aware of the Catholics in a ward so if a patient wishes to receive a visit from a priest ask the ward staff to page the on-call chaplain. Someone is available 24 hours a day. If your relative is close to death then please ask the ward staff to contact the on-duty Priest.
If you wish a visit at home from a priest, or to arrange for an Extraordinary Minister to bring Holy Communion to someone who is housebound, please contact the parish house.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process of welcoming adults into the Church. The process of discernment and preparation begins each year in September and continues through to the end of Eastertide. If you are interested in finding out more about what is involved to become a member of the Catholic Church, please telephone Alice Connolly – 07580442829.