1. Set up a standing order for your payment using the following information.
Account name: Saint Josephs Parish Lottery (Don’t use an apostrophe, i.e. “Joseph’s”, because this can cause problems with some banks.)
Sort code: 80-22-60.
Account number: 18854061.
Amount: £10.
Frequency: Monthly. (You can pick any date from the 1st to the 28th.)
Payment reference: Your postcode.
End date: Indefinite.
You can set up a standing order by internet banking, telephone banking, or in person at your local branch. There is no charge for this service.
2. Notify us once your first payment is complete.
When your first payment has left your bank account contact Chris McLaughlin by email at lottery@stjosephclarkston.com or by telephone, text, or WhatsApp on 07957644546. This allows us to check that everything has been set up correctly. If you would like any of the entries to be in someone else's name, please notify us of these in the email.