Thank you for your interest in the parish register of Saint Joseph’s Clarkston.

If you are a parishioner at Saint Joseph’s, or even an occasional visitor, it helps us a great deal if you register with us. This allows us to contact you about parish events and other relevant business. For this reason please remember to update your profile if your contact information changes. You can delete your record at any time by logging in then going to the close account page..

How we use your personal data.

Any personal data you provide on this register will only be used for the purposes of parish administration and keeping in touch with you. You can amend or delete the data you provide at any point by signing in to the register or by emailing the parish at We will only retain the data for as long as you are a member of the parish. For more information, please see the Diocese of Paisley privacy policy here.

Personal details
    Strength: Very Weak