The Spiritual mission of the Society is to continue the mission of Jesus Christ. The Society sees in the life of Jesus; compassion, simplicity, integrity, gentleness and concern for all people, in everyday situations especially the outcast, rejected, or deprived in our community.
About SSVP
Scotland’s 2,000 SSVP volunteer members provide support and assistance to people across the country on a daily basis. Working in 300 groups, they assist people in need in the best way that they can. SSVP Conferences (groups) respond to needs in their communities. This usually means visiting people in their homes, in hospital, hospices or in prison. For many people, this visit is all that they need. However, in meeting people in this way, SSVP volunteers get to know people. They may then go on and provide help or assistance in other ways. Since being founded in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and a group of friends, home visits have been at the core and heart of the work of SSVP members. The SSVP always works hard to respond to changing needs and has now established “Special Works” which provide one particular service.
Saint Joseph’s SSVP
Here in Saint Joseph’s parish we are a group of nine parishioners. We meet weekly in the back sacristy after 12 noon Mass. New members are always welcome. We visit anyone (they don’t have to be a member of Saint Joseph’s parish or Catholic) who would benefit from a friendly visit at home or in a care home. We use the money generously donated through the SSVP boxes around the parish to reach out and help anyone in need within our area without exception.
October/November/December 2024
● We continued our visits to those in care homes and in their own homes, who enjoy a friendly chat.
● We made a donation towards the running of the Age Concern Bus taking parishioners to Sunday Mass.
● Busby Foodbank was given a donation of supermarket vouchers to give more support families over Christmas.
● Supermarket vouchers and Christmas presents were purchased and donated for some families within local primary schools.
● A financial contribution was sent to a parish priest within the Diocese of Paisley.
August/September 2024
● We continued our visits to those in care homes and in their own homes, who enjoy a friendly chat.
● We continue to support Busby Foodbank with donations.
● We contributed to the cost of school trips for children in two local primary schools.
● We facilitated the recent visit of Street Pastors to the church.
● We contributed to bus repairs of the bus used by the SSVP charity Jericho Project.
● We helped a family receive house furniture through the SSVP furniture project.
May/June 2024
● We continued our visits to those in care homes and in their own homes, who benefit from having a friendly chat with someone.
● We provided £100 of supermarket vouchers to a vulnerable housed mother with 3 young children to help with the summer school break.
● We donated food supplies to a local food bank.
● We provided financial help to two local families.
● We donated to Age Concern for use of their minibus to bring parishioners to church.
March/April 2024
● We continued our visits to those, in care homes and in their own homes, who benefit from having a friendly chat with someone.
● We sponsored Father Ryan Black for his walk to raise money to financially help young people going on diocesan pilgrimage.
● We gave financial support to two local primary schools to help with the cost of school trips for families.
January/February 2024
● We continued our visits to those, in care homes and in their own homes, who benefit from having a friendly chat with someone.
● Responding to a request from Busby Food Bank we purchased and delivered another store cupboard for them.
● We donated towards a customised wheel chair for a local Giffnock lady to help with her mobility.
● We continue to support the Age Concern Bus, with a quarterly financial donation.
● We donated towards other SSVP projects including, The Furniture Project , and the Ozanam Club (a social club for Adults with special needs.)
● We sent a financial donation to support another parish and priest in the Paisley Diocese.
October 2023
● We continue to visit homes and local care homes to support those in our community.
● We sent a financial contribution, to the “Solidarity Fund” to help with the crisis in Gaza.
● We have delivered a donation of toiletries to Busy Food Bank.
● We have pledged to supply supermarket vouchers to Busby Food Bank help support families in the run up to Christmas.
September 2023
● Our visits to homes and local care homes continued to those we support in the community.
We sent financial contributions, with the help of your donations, to the following SSVP special projects including:
● The furniture project which helps people furnish their homes.
● The Jericho Society which supports people in their rehabilitation from addictions.
● The Saint Vincent’s Hospice which provides help to terminally ill people and their families.
● We also gave financial support to another parish within our diocese.
August 2023
● We continue to support and engage with people with visits to their homes and all local care homes.
● We were delighted to donate money to help with the running costs of the “Age Concern” bus which allows our elderly parishioners to attend Sunday Mass each week.
● We put a parishioner in touch with our Paisley “special conference” branch of the SSVP who were delighted to receive girls clothing.
● We are very grateful for the generous response from our parishioners to our appeal for men’s toiletries, among other items, for Busby Food Bank. Those at Busby Food Bank were overwhelmed at the generosity of Saint Joseph’s parishioners and were also delighted to be able to donate a surplus to Barrhead Food Bank where we are sure it was also most gratefully received.
How Can We Help You?
We are continually seeking out those who would benefit from some help. If you know of anyone who needs help, please encourage them to get in touch. All requests are dealt with in complete confidence.
Do you have a relative, friend or neighbour who may welcome a visit from a friendly face, either at home or in a care environment?
Do you know of anyone who may need financial assistance , either a one off payment or longer term support?
How can you help the SSVP?
Please remember every donation you make to the SSVP boxes in the parish goes directly to those in need.
Please remember the society in your prayers, that it might be fruitful in reaching out to all those in need.
If you have good quality items that you are able to donate to charity please contact the following directly:
Clothes donations: Jacqueline Ritchie, 01418894497.
Furniture donations: John Sherry, 07425137411.
Digital Poverty Project
If you are able to help us with our new digital project. Please get in touch.
To donate a digital devices: Madeleine Connor, 07528655783.
To offer IT knowledge/ support:
Contact us
Please use the following form to give us the details of who you would like us to contact and briefly explain how we might help: e.g home/care home visit , financial assistance, or in some other way.
You can also telephone us on 07528655783 or email
You can find out more about the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Scotland here.